Ottawa Victim Services logo in all white text


Ottawa Victim Services provides practical and emotional support to people affected by crime and tragedy, including referrals to other services. But we recognize that you may want to find information and other services by yourself, too. We’ve put together a collection of useful resources for you below.

You’ll find links to:

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Around the Rainbow, Family Services Ottawa

    Education, counselling and support services to 2SLGBTQI+ families and individuals.

  • Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime

    A federal income support for parents or legal guardians taking time away from work to cope with the death or disappearance of their child.

  • Canadian Emergency Response Psychosocial Support Network

    Mental health guidance & resources in times of crisis or disaster

  • Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime

    A charity organization that offers support, research and education to victims of serious crime in Canada.

  • Canadian Victims Bill of Rights

    An Act for the Recognition of Victims Rights

  • Centre d’Aide aux Victimes d’Actes Criminels, Gatineau

    A non-profit Francophone organization that offers services directly to any crime victim or witness.

  • Centre d’Aide et de Lutte Contre les Agressions à Caractère Sexuel (CALACS) Francophone d’Ottawa-Carleton

    Un organisme féministe qui offre une multitude de services aux femmes survivantes.

  • City of Ottawa

    Local government services and information about things like public safety and social support.

  • Correctional Service of Canada

    A government service that provides victims with the information they need to have an effective voice in the federal correctional system.

  • Distress Centre Ottawa

    Feeling suicidal? Call 9-8-8
    In distress? Call 613-238-3311

    This is a charitable organization that helps people in crisis by:

    • Providing emotional and practical support
    • Helping to prevent suicide
    • Connecting them to other services and resources
  • Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre Programs Against Violence

    Are you a woman experiencing violence from a partner?
    Call (English): 613-745-4818
    Call (French): 613-745-3665
    Call toll-free: 1-877-336-2433

    A free, bilingual and confidential program that offers services to women and children in Ottawa and Renfrew County whose lives have been affected by gender-based violence.

  • Family Law Education for Women (FLEW)

    FLEW provides family law education and outreach for women across Ontario, particularly isolated and vulnerable women.

  • Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime

    An independent resource that helps victims in Canada learn more about their rights, find services, and make complaints about any federal agency or legislation dealing with victims of crime.

  • Hate Has No Home Here

    A poster explaining how Ottawa Victim Services helps victims of hate crime and racism. It’s also available in French, Arabic, Chinese and Somali.

  • Have You Been a Victim of Crime?

    This handbook provides information about victims’ rights, where to get help, and the criminal justice system. It includes a glossary of terms and a summary of resources.

  • Home Safety Audit Guide

    A guide to keeping your home secure and protecting it against burglars.

  • Hope for Wellness Help Line

    Are you Indigenous and need immediate support?
    Call toll-free: 1-855-242-3310

    This helpline is available to all Indigenous peoples across Canada. It offers:

    • Phone counselling in Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut
    • Immediate counselling and crisis intervention in English and French
    • Support service via online chat
  • Identifying a Scam

    Information about how to tell if something is a scam and how to keep yourself safe.

  • Know Your Rights as a Victim of Crime in Ontario

    A summary of the Ontario Victims’ Bill of Rights, including what information you should have access to, how you should be treated and what you can ask for.

  • LGBT Youthline

    A youth-led organization that provides anonymous peer support, referrals and resources to 2SLGBTQ+ folks aged 29 and under.

  • Little Black Book of Scams

    A guide to keeping yourself and your family safe from scams, identity theft and fraud.

  • Managing Distress

    A brochure about grounding and mindfulness to help you cope after being affected by a mass violence incident, such as a shooting or terrorist attack.

  • Mental Health Crisis Line

    Are you experiencing severe anxiety, self-harming, or thinking of suicide?
    Call (within Ottawa): 613-722-6914
    Call toll-free (outside Ottawa): 1-866-996-0991

    This crisis line can help you access:

    • Screening, assessment and referrals
    • Support in a crisis and to prevent suicide
    • Transfer to the Local Crisis Team or emergency services
  • Minwaashin Lodge

    Support for First Nations, Inuit and Métis women and children who are affected by domestic violence and other forms of violence, including the effects of the residential school system.

  • Neighbourhood trauma

    What to do when a violent or traumatic incident happens in your community. This leaflet is also available in French and Arabic.

  • Ontario Board of Parole

    An independent agency that makes decisions about paroles and temporary absences for people serving sentences at correctional facilities.

  • Ontario Network of Victim Service Providers

    A non-profit organization that helps victims of crime, tragedy and disaster make plans to cope.

  • Ontario Victims’ Bill of Rights

    As a victim of crime in Ontario, the Ontario Victims’ Bill of Rights says you should be treated with courtesy, compassion and respect for their personal dignity and privacy by justice system officials.

  • Ottawa Muslim Community Services (OMCS)

    Telephone: 613-858-8782

    OMCS is a registered charity that offers mobile social services. They aims to build a stronger, healthier community and increase accessibility to religious and culturally appropriate services via mobile social services, education and collaboration.

  • Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre

    Have you experienced sexual assault or gender-based violence?
    Call: 613-562-2333

    A charity that provides crisis support, trauma counselling, education, referrals and advocacy.

  • Ottawa Victim Services brochure

    Information about OVS programs and services.

  • Parole Board of Canada

    An independent administrative tribunal that helps people who leave prison to live in society again and stay within the law.

  • Peace Bond Brochure

    This brochure explains how a peace bond may help protect you and your family from someone you fear. It’s also available in French, Spanish, Chinese, Somali, and Arabic.

  • Reporting a Scam

    Information about who to contact if you spot a scam or become a victim of one.

  • Responding to stressful events

    Advice from the Government of Canada on how to deal with natural or human-caused disasters such as earthquakes, health emergencies, terrorist attacks or war.

  • Sexual Assault Partner Abuse Care Program (SAPACP)

    Have you experienced sexual or intimate partner violence?
    Call: 613-798-5555 x 13770

    Specialized health services available on site at the Ottawa Hospital providing private and confidential trauma sensitive medical care to persons 16 years of age and older who have experienced sexual or intimate partner violence in the greater Ottawa region.

  • Sexual Assault Support Centre of Ottawa (SASC)

    Are you a woman who has experienced sexual assault?
    Call: 613-234-2266

    A feminist charity that provides support to women survivors, including crisis support, help with healing, referrals and information.

  • The Homicide Support Group

    A support group for people who knew a victim of homicide, run by the Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime. The group meets online on the last Thursday of every month.

  • Trans Lifeline

    A grassroots hotline offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis. Run by and for trans people.

  • Tungasuvvingat Inuit

    Inuit-specific social support, counselling and crisis intervention for women aged 16+ and their children.

  • Victim Fraud Toolkit

    A guide to dealing with identity theft and fraud, such as when someone uses your personal information to access your bank account or get a credit card in your name.

  • Victim Services Ontario

    A government service that supports victims of crime through direct services and funding.

  • Victim Support Unit, Ottawa Police Services

    Helps victims of crime and tragedy with crisis support and referrals to community resources. OVS partners with them through our OVS-VSU program.

  • Victim Witness Assistance Program

    A court-based program that helps victims and witnesses of crime understand and participate in the criminal court process.

  • Voicefound

    A charitable organization that provides emotional and practical support to victims of human trafficking, child sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation.

  • You May Know Someone

    This booklet offers tips and information to help you support a victim of crime.

  • Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa (YSB)

    Are you in crisis and aged 17 or under?
    Call: 613-260-2360

    A charity that’s committed to providing a safe, non-judgmental and accessible environment for youth in Ottawa.