Ottawa Victim Services logo in all white text

Hate Crime Reporting Tool

Ottawa Victim Services (OVS) is committed to supporting victims of hate crimes and discrimination within our community. We recognize the profound impact that hate-motivated acts can have on individuals and groups, and we are here to help. Please complete the form below so our team can assess your situation for elements of hate. No police report is necessary and you may be eligible for financial assistance, such as counselling coverage, graffiti removal, or home security items. Our online Hate Crime Reporting Tool offers a secure and confidential way for victims to report these incidents to our team, enabling OVS to provide the necessary support and resources to those affected.

Supports We Provide

When you report an act of hate or discrimination through our tool, you can choose to remain anonymous or identify yourself if you wish to receive direct support. We offer:

  • Financial Assistance: If elements of hate are present, you may be eligible for counselling coverage, graffiti removal, or home security items.
  • Emotional Support: Compassionate and non-judgmental support to help you navigate the emotional aftermath of the incident.
  • Resource Guides: Guidance on accessing relevant community resources, including social services, religious institutions, and support groups tailored to your specific needs.
  • Assistance with Police Reporting: While not mandatory, if you decide to file a police report, we can support you through the process.

Types of Reportable Incidents

Hate-motivated acts can manifest in many forms, targeting individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, ability, relationship status, or other personal characteristics. Examples can include:

  • Verbal harassment, slurs, and offensive jokes
  • Physical assault, bullying, and intimidation
  • Personal property damage and destruction
  • Online harassment and abuse
  • Vandalism in the form of graffiti depicting hate symbols
  • Hoax calls
  • Abusive and discriminatory calls or text messages
  • Burning or destroying of religious texts
  • Distribution of discriminatory materials or literature

To report an incident, please fill out the form below. Please note that this is not a police report. Information provided through this tool will remain confidential unless you choose to identify yourself or there is an immediate safety risk. We do not share personal details with law enforcement or third parties without your clear consent. This form does not replace an official police report.

If you are reporting on behalf of someone else, please include as much detail as possible about the targeted individual(s) and the nature of the incident.

Who was targeted by the incident? *
An example can be: I was informed by the person affected, I witnessed it directly, I found evidence such as a text message, online post, graffiti, etc.
Age group of the individual impacted
Was the incident online or in-person *
indirect incidences, such as graffiti, or when notes/items are left in places of worship?
What do you believe motivated the incident?
Type of incident
Have you reported this incident elsewhere?
e.g., to police, school authorities, by-law officers, employers, etc.
Has this happened before to you?
Would you like someone from Ottawa Victim Services to follow up with you?