Give today
You can change someone’s life for the better today. No matter how much you can give — whether it’s $5, $50 or $500 — you’re helping to care for victims of crime and tragedy when they need it most.
Your donations enable us to continue the life-changing work we’ve been doing in our community since 1998. We’re committed to using your generous gifts to drive our mission responsibly, compassionately, and fairly.
And remember, donating isn’t the only way you can give back! We’re always looking for volunteers who can offer their time, too.
Mileage to dispatch our 24/7 crisis support volunteers.
Volunteer expenses such as parking, meal vouchers, or 2 Uber rides to safety for clients.
Provides survivors with safety devices, lock changes, or onboarding 15 new volunteers.
Custom amountCustom amount
Helps provide groceries and basic needs for survivors after fleeing violence.
You can get a tax receipt for any donation over $25.