Ottawa Victim Services logo in all white text

Give today

Make the difference you want to see

You can change someone’s life for the better today. No matter how much you can give — whether it’s $5, $50 or $500 — you’re helping to care for victims of crime and tragedy when they need it most.

Your donations enable us to continue the life-changing work we’ve been doing in our community since 1998. We’re committed to using your generous gifts to drive our mission responsibly, compassionately, and fairly.

And remember, donating isn’t the only way you can give back! We’re always looking for volunteers who can offer their time, too.

Your donation can do amazing things

Icon taxi on green circle background


can buy


a door alarm to help a survivor feel safe again, or a taxi ride to get them where they need to go.

Icon of a red grocery basked filled with foods


can buy


groceries for a survivor who is trying to escape violence.

Icon with a door handle and lock


can buy


home safety items for 8 clients in danger from a stalker or abusive partner.

Icon of a hand holding a smart phone


can buy


a cell phone for a client to call 911 when they’re in danger.

Give now

You can get a tax receipt for any donation over $25.